Associated Cab

307- 41 Avenue N.E
Calgary, AB T2E 2N4

Associated Cab offers a very high level of service to Calgarians and ultimately has the most experienced drivers in the industry. Associated Cab is well known for its late model, clean white cabs and uniformed drivers. Associated Cab has been the recipient of the consumers choice award consecutively from 2003 through 2014 and continues to maintain the highest level of taxi service standards in Calgary as one of the exemplary taxi services nationwide.

Associated Cab has also introduced the accessible taxi service in Calgary and as the result of this thoughtful and pioneering addition the City of Calgary welcomed this convenient service by adding one hundred accessible taxi permits to the total of taxi permits in Calgary that have been frozen since 1986. The City of Edmonton soon followed this lead and consulted with Associated Cab to introduce accessible taxi service to the city of Edmonton. Introduction of Hybrid Cabs to Calgary has been one the most noticeable additions to Associated's fleet as our contribution to Canada's environment. Allied Limousine is another example of Associated Cab pioneering the way to luxury transportation in Calgary and area.