Ray Jones

800 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, AB T2G2M3

"Rundle Ray" Jones - Ward 5 Councillor

Councillor Ray Jones
Terms in office: 1993-2017

Community service is part of Councillor Ray Jones' DNA – a way of life that began five decades ago as a teenager and later blossomed as his family put down permanent roots in northeast Calgary.

Growing up, Ray's heart was in sports. It's what he lived for, until he found and married his new love, Wendy. Together they raised three children, now dote on eight grandchildren and continue to reside in Rundle where they've lived since 1977.

Early on, the couple encouraged their children to participate in community sports activities. Naturally, Ray became involved in community coaching, which led to involvement in sports boards and committees. Ray enjoyed it, finding these kinds of activities rewarding. Later he joined the Rundle Community Association, became the Civic Affairs Director and finally Board President, a role he held for eight years.

Ray entered civic politics in 1993

He shifted into civic politics in 1993 when a bi-election was held for Ward 5. A record 23 candidates ran for election. And Ray won. In October 2013, Ray's efforts were again validated by citizens when he was re-elected for a eighth term. He is now the longest standing Councillor on Calgary City Council for this term.

Ray continues to represent the following communities/areas: Castleridge, Coral Springs, Falconridge, Horizon, Martindale, McCall, Monterey Park, North Airways, Parkridge Estates, Pineridge, Rundle, South Airways, Sunridge, Temple, Vista Heights, Westwinds and Whitehorn.

Ray still remains an active volunteer and leading member on various communities, municipal and provincial committees dealing with issues impacting Northeast Calgary.

In recognition of Ray's dedicated service to the communities and to the citizens of the city of Calgary he has been awarded several Honourary Memberships, including:
•Honorary Lifetime Director of Calgary Exhibition and Stampede
•Honorary Patron of Calgary Meals on Wheels
•Honorary Lifetime Member of the Whitehorn Community Association
•Lifetime Member of the Calgary Grey Cup Committee
•Lifetime Member of the Falconridge/Castleridge Community Association
•Lifetime Member of the Pineridge Community Association
•Lifetime Member of the N.E. Sportsplex Society
•Lifetime Member of the Rundle Community Association
•Lifetime Member of the Temple Community Association

"Ray appreciates the recognition – but more so the privilege of continuing to serve Ward 5 and all Calgarians."

In recognition of his significant contributions to compatriots, community and to Canada, Ray was the recipient of the Governor General's of Canada Award in 1993. In 2003, he received the Queen's Golden Jubilee Award for Community Service, 2005 he received the Alberta Centennial Metal and in 2012 the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

With the recognition Ray Jones has received in the past, his interest in the quality of life for the youth and residents of Ward 5 and the citizens of Calgary is well known.

Ray continues his commitment to Ward 5 by serving on the following civic board and committees:
•Calgary Grey Cup Standing Committee
•Calgary Sports Council, Sport Policy Steering Committee
•Coordinating Committee of the Councillors' Office, Chair
•Council Strategic Initiatives Funding Committee
•Intergovernmental Affairs Committee
•Legacy Parks Fund Steering Committee
•Legislative Governance Task Force
•Saddledome Foundation
• Standing Policy Committee on Transportation and Transit
•Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services

2014 Council, Standing Policy Committee (SPC) and Committee meeting dates

2015 Council, Standing Policy Committee (SPC) and Committee meeting dates

Linked here is a copy of Councillor Jones' short biography or Rundle Ray biography.

The Ward 5 office

I would like to introduce you to my office team, Lesley Stasiuk, Executive Assistant and Sandi Baisi, Constituent Assistant. Together they have a combined total of over 40 years of experience at The City of Calgary and are always working hard to address your concerns.

Give us a call 403-268-2430.

This content represents the personal views and opinions of the Ward Councillor and should not be taken as a statement of policy of The City of Calgary. The inclusion of any external content does not imply endorsement by The City of Calgary.
